金融 Responsibility

Notice of 金融 Responsibility

Payment of Fees/Promise to Pay

我明白,当我在世界大学注册任何课程或接受任何服务时,我接受支付所有学费的全部责任, 费用, fines and other associated costs assessed due to my registration and/or receipt of services. 我理解并同意,我的学费账单必须在学期的第一天或之前到期,否则我必须按照付款计划付款. 我进一步理解并同意,我的注册和接受这些条款构成本票协议. I promise to pay for all assessed tuition, 费用, and other associated costs by the published or assigned due date. 我理解并同意,如果我放弃或退出我所注册的部分或全部课程, 我将根据公布的学费退还时间表,负责支付全部或部分学杂费 校历. 我已阅读公布的学费退款时间表的条款和条件,并明白这些条款是通过参考纳入本表格的. 我进一步明白,我未能上课或收到账单并不免除我的经济责任,如上所述.


I understand that UIW uses electronic billing (e-bill) as its official billing method, 因此,我有责任在预定的到期日之前查看并支付我的学生账户电子账单. 我进一步理解,未能查看我的电子账单并不构成不按时支付账单的有效理由. E-bill and payment plan information is available at 基本的应用 在我 ePayment中心.

Student Health Insurance

本人理解并同意,作为国内全日制主校区学生(本科12学时以上)*, 研究生6+学时*,专业6+学时),作为1+学时的国际学生(资格根据入学情况而定),我需要参加学生意外和疾病保险计划. 只有 domestic students are permitted to waive insurance with proof of insurance coverage. 我明白保险费用是自动评估的,必须通过网上豁免 Wellfleet Student Insurance website before the deadline date (refer to Academic calendar for deadline information).



I understand that administrative, 文书, 或者技术账单错误不能免除我支付正确金额学费的经济责任, 费用 and other associated financial obligations assessed due to my registration at UIW.

Returned Payments/Failed Payment Agreements

我理解并同意,对于任何付款(支票),我的学生账户将收取25美元的资金不足(NSF)费用, 未付归还. 我明白多次退回付款和/或未能遵守我与UIW签署的任何付款计划或协议的条款将导致我无法通过ACH或支票提交未来付款和/或未来在UIW注册.  


I understand and agree to follow the instructions at Office of the 注册商 webpage - withdrawal information, if I withdraw from UIW.

Privacy Rights and Responsibilities

我了解家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA)禁止UIW在未经我的书面许可的情况下发布我的财务和/或教育记录中的任何信息. 因此, 我理解并同意,如果我希望UIW与他人分享我的财务和/或教育记录信息, I must provide written permission by following the procedure outlined at FERPA, which is found on the Office of 注册商 webpage – Privacy Act information. 我进一步明白,我可以在任何时候按照同样的程序撤销我的许可.


我同意应美国国税局(IRS)规定的要求,向uw提供我的社会安全号码(SSN)或纳税人识别号码(TIN),用于1098-T表格的申报. If I fail to provide my SSN or TIN to UIW, I agree to pay all IRS fines assessed as a result of my missing SSN/TIN. I consent to receive my annual 国税局1098-T表, Tuition Statement, electronically from UIW. I understand that if I do not consent to receive my Form 1098-T electronically, a paper copy will be provided. 我明白我可以撤回这份同意书,或按以下指示索取一份书面副本 1098T, which is found on the 业务办公室 webpage.

Delinquent Account/Collection

  • 财务控制我理解并同意,如果我未能在预定的到期日之前支付我的学生账户账单或任何到期款项, UIW will place a financial hold on my student account, preventing me from registering for future classes, requesting transcripts, receiving my diploma or participating in any graduation activities (commencements).
  • 滞纳金 -我理解并同意,如果我未能在预定的到期日之前支付我的学生账户账单(在相应学期的第一天到期)或签署付款计划, UIW will assess a late fee in the amount of $250 on/by Nov 5th (fall semester) and April 5th (春季学期).
  • Collection Agency Fees -我理解并接受如果我不能在预定的到期日之前支付我的学生账户账单或任何到期的款项, and fail to make acceptable payment arrangements to bring my account current, UIW may refer my delinquent account to a collection agency. I further understand that I am responsible for paying the collection agency fee (up to 33.33%) of my delinquent account balance, together with all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s 费用, necessary for the collection of my delinquent account. 最后, 我明白我的欠款将被报告给一个或多个国家信用局.


  • Method of 沟通 -我理解并同意UIW使用电子邮件作为与我沟通的官方方式, 因此,我有责任及时阅读我从uw收到的电子邮件.
  • 联系 -我授权uw及其代理和承包商通过我现在和将来的手机号码与我联系。, email address(es) or wireless device(s) regarding my delinquent student account(s)/loan(s), any other debt I owe to UIW, or to receive general information from UIW. I authorize UIW and its agents and contractors to use automated telephone dialing equipment, artificial or pre-recorded voice or text messages, and personal calls and emails, in their efforts to contact me. 此外, 我明白,我可以通过向UIW营业处或以书面形式向代表UIW与我联系的适用承包商或代理提交我的请求来撤回我打电话的同意.
  • Updating 联系 Information -我理解并同意,我有责任保持uw记录与我目前的实际地址同步, 电子邮件地址, 请按照UIW网站上的程序更新学生地址/电子邮件地址/电话号码. 我理解并同意向UIW提供最新的联系信息,以便继续沟通任何尚未到期和欠UIW的金额.


This agreement supersedes all prior understandings, 表示, negotiations and correspondence between the student and UIW, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the matters described, and shall not be modified or affected by any course of dealing or course of performance. This agreement may be modified by UIW if I sign the modification. 任何修改均特别限于修改中涉及的政策和/或条款.